Legal changes have been made for viewers who receive certain types of television services via satellite from the EU. A government official has confirmed that post-Brexit there will be restrictions on access to certain types of satellite transmissions to EU member states, cancelling the legalization of the availability of foreign satellite decoders since 2011.

The new rules were due to take effect on Brexit day but were delayed until 1 January 2021, At the end of the transition period.
Currently, viewers in the UK can receive programmes aimed at other EU countries. This includes access to encrypted services via a satellite receiver and a card to watch an EU-based TV platform. The government has confirmed that this will “disappear” from the rules on freedom of establishment and free movement of services after Brexit.
The authorities are unlikely to start chasing Polish households to see if they have a Cyfrowy Polsat receiver at home unless it can be proven that they are only using foreign services to watch Premier League matches to avoid paying Sky, Virgin or BT.
Legal jargon says that since Brexit you cannot use a satellite set-top box “to access a programme included in a programme broadcast from the UK in order to avoid a programme-related fee”. The Council does not affect the reception of unencrypted satellite transmissions.
So until then it is worth to think about changing Polish satellite dish for an anonymous one, especially if it is mounted from the street. Why put yourself out there like a “plate”, and certainly most of us will have no intention of giving up access to native TV.
Our company has long been recommending and installing antennas that look like sky antennas, except that they are a size larger, i.e. 80cm because such a size is required for trouble-free reception of channels from the Hotbird satellite. In addition, it is a mesh antenna, that is, with tiny holes so that it is always more resistant to strong gusts of wind, so common on the islands, after all.
So if you decide to replace your antenna with the right one, we invite you to use our services.
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